Saturday, March 21, 2009

This is the leaflet we plan to deliver down Hillcross Ave

Saving Morden Park

It looks like the council has changed its mind about allowing the Goals soccer centre proposal to go straight to planning permission. They now accept that the Goals proposal is unpopular and have proposed a further consultation.

You can see the consultation plans for yourself on the council website

You will see that whilst saying they want to explore potential options for Morden Park the Goals proposal is still very much on the table and appears to be the preferred option.

So, whilst being delighted with the announcement of consultation there is still the need to continue to campaign to protect Morden Park from the environmental disaster that the Goals plan represents.

Hopefully this consultation represents a dignified way for the council to withdraw their support from the Goals plan but reassurance is needed that the park will stay in public hands and will be developed for the benefit of the local community and not simply to make as much money as possible for the Council. Until that reassurance is received the campaign will continue.

We will be in touch soon with next steps in the campaign. In the meanwhile if you can get your neighbours to display the green posters you can download them from Don’t forget to sign up to the email group.

Does anyone have a spare minute to help deliver them?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Council's plans for consultation

Have a look here at the plans for consultation Merton Council have proposed.

It looks like the Goals proposal is still on the table.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New consultation is very good news!

It is too soon to celebrate but this new consultation looks like an excellent opportunity to blow the Goals! proposal out of the water. We will have a real opportunity to to make our case for saving Morden Park. Don't take the posters down yet though. We need to ensure the consultant understands the strength of feeling against this lunatic scheme!

Have a look at the local guardian article here.

Watch this space!