Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Morden Civic Forum

I have just got back from tonights meeting. Several residents accompanied by children were able to take part in the discussion about consultation over Morden Park. The council have just appointed a company called Dialogue to conduct a proper consultation exercise. You can see a picture of Max and Kirsten above.

I think we need to give Max and Kirsten as much help as possible. We need to encourage as many sections of the community as possible to share their views of what they would like to see in Morden Park.

I really think we should welcome this as an opportunity to kick out the ludicrous Goals scheme and to begin proper discussions about what we do want. The consulatation covers the whole of the park including the leisure centre. It does not cover the registry office or the college.

We may not all agree on what we want the park used for but the big breakthrough is that we have established that the public do not want this land to be leased by a profit making organisation that will take the park out of free public use.

As soon as I have details I will post them here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mordern park consultation

I have just found out that Morden park consultation is to be launched tonight Tues 28 April at Civic centre at 7.15 at Morden Community Forum. Please encourage friends and neighbours to come along!

Nice to see Morden Park playing fields being used

This was taken sunday afternoon in the playing field. As well as these kids there was a big informal football game going on, lots of individual families and some knock about tennis action!
One councillor describes this field as a "dogs toilet". I intend to collect some photographic evidence to prove he is wrong! If you have some pictures of residents enjoying the fields please send them to me or to the website.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Free advice from USA. Watch this clip of Obama's director of blogging.

I have been away at an amazing e campaigning conference in Oxford. I had the chance to learn from the most inspirational campaigners. Here is some advice from Sam Graham Felsen- a man who helped put President Obama where he is today.

I really wish I had filmed some of the other participants. Thinking about what Zuhal in Iraq and Tonee from Kenya have achieved with minimum resources aside from their passion and intelligence really inspires me to redouble my own efforts. People power is unstoppable and it starts in local communities!
Yes, I know saving a local park doesn't sound very heroic on the global scale but its a start.